Sonia Ashley – Notary Public
A notary is a public officer whose signature and official seal is recognised all over the world as a reliable source of evidence of the facts and events they record and verify.
There are circumstances where you will be asked to have a document witnessed, certified or authenticated by a Notary Public before it will be accepted abroad.
The most common types of work a Notary is instructed to undertake include:
Witnessing signatures to a Power of Attorney
Witnessing signatures to mortgage deeds, warranty deeds and agreements for sale and purchase of property abroad
Preparing and witnessing affidavits of Freedom to Marry
Witnessing applications and affidavits for use in foreign court proceedings
Preparing and witnessing affidavits for Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) visa applications
Witnessing Sponsorship Statutory Declarations
Parental consent for a child to travel / issuance of a passport on behalf of a minor child
Witnessing foreign oaths for executors and applications for grants of probate
Letters of authorisation and applications for Tax Registration Numbers
American acknowledgements
Certifying as true copies or authenticating degree/education certificates, Disclosure Scotland, UK Court Orders, bills, bank statements and passports
Authenticating documents as genuine
Verifying the translation of documents by a translator
Retirement Life Certificates
Surrogacy agreements
Witnessing the execution of Powers of Attorney on behalf of a company, LLP or partnership
Certifying as true copies or authenticating company documents such as: company appointments, certificates of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, company Certificates of Good Standing, board resolutions, minutes, reports, trading accounts and certificates of fiscal residence
Witnessing the execution of commercial documents, contracts and mortgages
Authenticating documents to facilitate the opening of corporate branch offices or bank accounts outside of the United Kingdom
Many countries require notarised documents to be legalised.
Legalisation is where the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Embassy, Consulate, High Commission or Chamber of Commerce check their database in order to verify that my signature, seal and stamp is genuine. Once verified, they will affix an Apostille, certificate, seal or stamp.
Some countries require documents to be sent to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in addition to their own Embassy before it will be accepted.
The requirement for this will depend on the country involved. I can advise you on the requirements and assist you with the process.
Sonia Ashley
Davis House, 4th Floor,
Robert Street, Croydon,
Surrey, CR0 1QQ
Tel: 020 8667 2083
Mobile: 07958 523 021